We Are Now Without Excuse
In the age of on-line entertainment and instant information it was, perhaps, possible to live without knowing about the carnage going on around us, but the video of evolutionist Deborah Nucatola casually and callously explaining the crushing of innocent babies and harvesting their young bodies leaves us forever without excuse. Between gulps of red wine and bites of salad we learn that �a lot of people want liver� and that �We�ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver �� We are also told how to play games with the law so the harvesting of human body parts can proceed efficiently:The Federal Abortion Ban is a law, and laws are up to interpretation. So if I say on day One, I do not intend to do this, what ultimately happens doesn�t matter. � If you maintain enough of a dialogue with the person who�s actually doing the procedures, so they understand what the end-game is, there are little things, changes they can make in their technique to increase your success. � For example, so I had eight cases yesterday. And I knew exactly what we needed, and I kind of looked at the list and I said alright, this 17-weeker has eight lams, and this one�so I knew which were the cases that were probably more likely to yield what we needed, and I made my decisions according to that too, so it�s worth having a huddle at the beginning of the day, and that�s what I do.
That 17-weeker never had a chance�she never even saw the light of day. We now know the unthinkable and our response is telling.
Did we look at each other in horror? Did we stop everything? Were we angry? Were we sad? Did we cry?
No, we shot the messenger.
Surely this is all a false manipulation of the facts by those with nefarious and ulterior motives. After all, as the nightly news points out, the good doctor made it clear that this was not about the profit.
So it�s all good, right?
To avoid the obvious we strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. We celebrate that thirty pieces of silver was not excessive while innocent babies are murdered in cold blood.
We can try to look the other way but we are a deeply sick society. And now we know it.
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