How Do You Justify Murder?
As predicted, evolutionists are desperately attempting to dismiss and delegitimize a several-hour long video of an evolutionist discussing the routine practice of crushing live babies to murder them in cold blood.
Business Insider, for example, leads with an
absurd headline labelling the video as �false.� No the video is not false. What is false is the evolutionist�s claims that humanity, and everything else for that matter, arose from a series of random chance events�what their Epicurean forefathers referred to as swerving atoms. And, as William Jennings Bryan foresaw, if the world is nothing but a happenstance accident, then what does it matter if we kill? And kill they do. In our country alone evolutionists have murdered more than 50 million babies. It is Bryan�s worst nightmare come true. Evolutionists have brought us this nightmare, and they will insist that it continues. What we are now seeing is how evolutionists conduct business�lies, more lies, and blackballing and delegitimization of anyone who points it out.
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