What Will They Find Next?
There is a reason why explorers have always gone forth�they are rewarded. And so not surprisingly there have been many rewards for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration�s Okeanos Explorer which is exploring the ocean floor, several miles beneath the surface, near the Marianas Trench. In this far away land the mission has found all manner of strange life forms never before seen. You can watch the video live and, as one report put it, �The video makes for strangely addicting viewing. There's a constant cliffhanger: What will they find next?�What they have found is an array of incredible, and lowly (pun intended), creatures. Surely Ralph Cudworth and John Ray would have, by this point, doubled down on their infra-dignitatem argument that such creatures are beneath the Creator�s dignity. There must have been an intermediate creative force to account for the muck and its inhabitants, not to mention those bungles and errors we find in creation.
Isn't it amazing what those random mutations will come up with? (And no, natural selection doesn�t help).
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