Evolution is Endlessly Falsified
A recent study out of the University of Oregon purports to show the evolutionary pathway of a key protein that helps to control the mitotic spindle, a structure inside the dividing cell that distributes the chromosomes to the daughter cells. In fact the research adds to a growing line of evidence destructive of evolutionary theory. Consider the following findings:Transposable elements important in mammalian evolution
HGT plays key role in prokaryote and eukaryote evolution
Genetic regulation drives human evolution
Genetic regulation key in hominid evolution
Genetic regulation drove the evolution of the tetrapods
Genetic regulation important in the evolution of the metazoans
MicroRNA key to the evolution of land plants
Transposable elements and their repressor genes drove human evolution
Retroviruses played a crucial role human evolution
Alternative splicing drove evolution
Behavior drives evolution
A natural genetic engineering toolkit drove evolution
Key gene product evolved from several junk parts
What these various claims have in common is that large molecular structures were important causes of evolution. For example, the human and the chimpanzee have highly similar genes, so they did not evolve to be different by the usual explanation of random mutations modifying the genes. The human and chimpanzee do not differ at the level of the gene. Instead, they differ at higher, more complicated levels, such as in the regulation of those genes, which involves multiple molecular structures.
So evolutionists are forced to conclude that the genes required to build a human serendipitously evolved long before there were humans. After that, all that was needed were some changes to their regulation, and you had humans.
How lucky.
This story of serendipity, as indicated by the sampling of headlines above, has repeated itself over and over. In addition to genetic regulation, evolution was caused by transposable elements and their repressor genes, horizontal gene transfer mechanisms, micro RNAs, alternate splicing, retroviruses, behavior, and natural genetic engineering toolkits.
This is ludicrous. This is absurd. Evolutionists have been forced to make conclusions that are astronomically impossible.
Evolution must have constructed elaborate mechanisms and structures, in advance, which then became crucial agents of evolution, creating all kinds of biological wonders. Simply put, evolution must have created evolution. And in recent years such serendipity in the evolution narrative has skyrocketed. Evolution must have constructed elaborate mechanisms over, and over, and over.
Now, this latest research just adds more serendipity to the evolution narrative. Evolutionists are forced to conclude that a completely unrelated enzyme just happened to be highly similar to the key mitotic spindle protein. All that was required was a single mutation and, behold, the crucial mitotic spindle protein was created.
It would be finding a jet engine inside of clothing factory. Hey, we can use that for airplanes!
The scientific evidence contradicts evolution.
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