Not Following the Data
Regardless of whether evolution it true, false, or somewhere in between, one of evolution�s many influences is the enlistment of science to support ulterior motives. In evolution, the science is enlisted to support a strictly naturalistic origins narrative. Simply put, thinkers such as Darwin became convinced that divine creation must be false. It was a purely religious and metaphysical argument. The empirical evidence does not support very well the idea that the biological world arose spontaneously, so evolutionary �science� is needed to reinterpret the evidence.Charles Darwin was by no means the first to contort evidence to fit a preconceived notion, but since 1859 the creative use of science has become increasingly common. A recent example of this is the theory of AGW (anthropogenic, or man-made, global warming). Like evolution the theory must be true, regardless of the science. Hence there is substantial social, career advancement and funding pressures to obtain confirmations of theory. And as Christopher Booker reminded his readers in this weekend�s Telegraph, the data are adjusted to support the theory. It is, says Booker, the biggest science scandal ever:
When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records � on which the entire panic ultimately rested � were systematically �adjusted� to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.
Even if this is all true, it does not mean AGW is necessarily false. But it is another example of how easily science is enlisted to support preconceived conclusions. Darwin�s friend TH Huxley said we should follow the data, like a child, wherever it leads. Huxley himself failed to do that, and that trend has continued ever since.
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